What to charge

Charge too much and you won't get the bookings, charge too little and you may also miss out on booking as the perception is that there must be something wrong with the property. The decision on what to charge is not an easy one. Here are some things that might help you in deciding on your tariff.

What are other properties in the area charging? Have a look online at the holiday rentals in your area and try and find ones that have similar features to yours. If they have an online calendar check out their availability - this may give you an idea of how successful their pricing strategy is.

Do you offer linen and towels? If so you should be able to charge a little bit more than a similar property that doesn't provide linen and towels.

Different Tariffs for different times. Every area has peak and off peak periods and you should adjust your tariffs accordingly. For example you should have a very different price for the Christmas holidays compared to the middle of the year outside of school holidays.

Don't be afraid to experiment with your tariffs. If you are going through a quiet period why not try a "mid week special for two" with a reduced price and 2 tickets to a local attraction thrown in.




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